This post is about a water tracker app that I found recently. Enjoy!
My mom constantly nags me about drinking more water. I think it gets really annoying but she’s right. We all need a lot of water to stay healthy so we can do more fun things in life. I remember a couple of years ago my oldest sister had a water tracking app but it wasn’t the regular kind where it shows a chart. It has a plant that you water by pressing the amount of water you drank. It does require the exact measurements of the size of water you drank it just needs you to press for example a cup, or a water bottle if you drank a whole water bottle.
It gives you a plant that you are responsible for and when you drink water you water the plant. The app is called Plant Nanny. As time goes by and you make the plant healthy and strong you can move onto different plants and help water them too. It isn’t an app like the health app you get on your phone when you get it and its also not really a game. It is really useful for people who need a reminder but also doesn’t want to get nagged. It also teaches responsibility.
I have just started this game and I have already forced my self to drink more than I would without my mom telling me. My plat is still at the first stage and I want it to grow a lot more already. It feels like I have gotten attached to it already. I named my first plant Hazel. There are also other apps that his company has made to help make exercising and becoming healthier more fun. Here are some of the other apps: Fortune City (helps with expense tracking), Walkr (helps with fitness). They are all made from the company called Fourdesire. You should check out their apps!
I hope you enjoyed! – hmsjosephine
I screenshot all of the pictures from my phone